How to Know the Keywords That are Frequently Searched by SERP

Hello, This time I want to share how to know the keywords that are frequently searched by Google, sometimes searching for keywords is important for bloggers, especially those who have become publisher Ads,

the purpose of knowing the keywords is one of the steps to make the article on page 1 of search, and this is the first step for those who want to create an article on page 1 of search, of course bloggers seo will seek or target one keyword to be used in the article, if successful appears on page 1 automatically searches of visitors will increase drastically,

Usually visitors who are in the Search Engine will type the words are simple or can call keywords, well here is we will search for any keyword that is most searched on the search engine, aims to research the keywords that will be used or what will be discussed on our blog, because the right keywords can augment the visitor quickly.

Well here are some ways that I want to share to determine what keywords are most frequently searched by the visitors, let us consider the following ways

Google Trends

What is Google Trends??? , Google Trends is a web created directly by google, google trends alone used pinpoint what is being Trends / popular or most searched on Google Search, we can use Google Trends to find keywords what are the most in search, of course, is very useful for us who want to research keywords, so who wants to know how to use them following me explain

1. Please visit Google Trends

2. Now you can see what are the most requested, you can adjust or filter as you wish, such as for example you want to set only a part of Indonesia, or andat want to know who Trends in 2016 ago, you can filter susai desire you
That was How To Know Frequently Searched Keywords dipencarian google, may be useful.


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